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Birth day name - Ankur sisodia
Born - 25 october 1994 Aligarh Uttar predesh(india)
Occupation - Mechanical engineer 
​Nationalty - Indian 

Ankur Sisodia was born in hathras, uttar pradesh, india, to a hindu family that has been actively involved in the indian culture. His father, harendra singh is currently active in transport company. Sisodiya completed his technical education from uttar pradesh board of technology. And he completed academic education from uttar pradesh board. ​sisodia state that he trend to take independent approach to world of engineering. Nothing that he does not "do different thing". I try to do in a different manner. I think every person should follow his/her dream and try and make it possible to create an ability to achieve it backed by its practicality. He has also indicate that he is more interested in the process of engineering world than in the end result : "for me, the process is more important, more joyfull. I would like to have my entire concentration on the process right from the first step".


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